Friday, March 28, 2014

Real Men Memes

Since before the dawn of history men have been telling other men (and sometimes women have been telling men) what REAL MEN do. Of course, I want to be a REAL MAN (what man doesn't), so I thought I'd take a look online and find out what I am doing right, and what I have to change...

Um, OK. That's seems like a easy one. I should hope we
all passed it.

Seems like another no brainer. Got to wonder though
if this actually has any impact of those they are trying
to reach.

I'm still good.

Does my little beard count?

But what happened to the scarf?

I do love curvy women, but I have nothing
against ones who aren't. Do I still get the point?

Like how much love do you need?
Can I just love his message of love?

Do I have to dress like that though?

Black? What if my taste buds aren't dead?

OK. I admit it, I'm not a man.
Is there anything else I could do?

Back to being a real man.
And apparently sexy.

W T F ?

Like how much are we talking? I definitely put Shatner
to shame, but that isn't saying much. Wait a minute,
is this saying Kirk isn't a real man?

So, another fail.

That seems to really limit the number of real men.

I'm going down fast.

What if I don't have a daughter?

I have to say, I never felt especially
masculine while changing diapers.

I would say that the notion of a
"most beautiful girl in the world" is a fallacy. 

Geez Harry Potter fans, isn't this setting the bar low?

Do I get bonus points for eating LOTS of chocolate?

Forget the message for a minute, and realize that whomever
made this thought that beautiful picture of Ash was representative
of this idea.

This defies words.


I don't think the maker of this got the subtext of the cartoon.

What if they aren't Scottish?

So being a programmer is just like being Chuck Norris?

Does this even make sense?

Real men are fictional? Huh?

This is probably what most of you were expecting in this post;
hopefully it seems a little more silly to you now.

Now, that makes sense.

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