Tuesday, March 11, 2014

20 RPG Plots

I am expecting that I will be back behind the screen shortly after D&D Next comes out this summer. In preparation for this I have been doing some brain storming trying to come up with an idea for a campaign that both suits my style, yet is very different from anything I have done before.

In the course of this brain storming I thought of something that isn't really a campaign idea per se, but could be used to make a campaign more interesting. In his book 20 Master Plots, Ronald Tobias lists what he believes to be the only possible 20 plots in literature.

I thought it could be a fun idea to run a campaign where each adventure was a different plot on this list. The 20 plots are:

  1. Quest 
  2. Adventure 
  3. Pursuit 
  4. Rescue 
  5. Escape 
  6. Revenge 
  7. The Riddle 
  8. Rivalry 
  9. Underdog 
  10. Temptation 
  11. Metamorphosis 
  12. Transformation 
  13. Maturation
  14. Love 
  15. Forbidden Love 
  16. Sacrifice 
  17. Discovery 
  18. Wretched Excess 
  19. Ascension 
  20. Descension

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